Excel TODAY Function Tips

An Introduction To Excel Power Map

Our today’s post is about “Power Map” is by Ben Richardson who runs Acuity Training a London-based provider of Excel courses. 

14 Simple Excel Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks

Shortcut to include today Just press control key and semicolon (Ctrl + ;) in any cell, enter. This will enter today’s date in to the cell.

How To Sum Using Logical Functions - An Example Of Using AND () And OR() In Excel

MS Excel offers seven logical functions, today we will discuss how to use AND () when summing up values.

Excel Training

The world has been growing rapidly over the past few decades. Today modern technology has completely changed our lifestyle and is adding a lot to our daily lives

How To Learn Excel 2013

Excel 2013 is one of the most demanded skills today and many business owners want their employees to have the complete knowledge and skills of such tools.

Countif Greater Than

COUNTIF() function is used for counting cells with unique values in a range that meet a certain criterion, or condition.

How to use COUNTIF greater than

COUNTIF() function is used for counting cells with unique values in a range that meet a certain criterion, or condition.